Prayer for Today | A Powerful Prayer of Trust and Faith in God #jesuschrist #prayer
Heavenly Father, You have blessed me in so many ways, and I am truly grateful. I know Your plans are greater than my understanding, so I ask You to guide me and strengthen my faith. Lord, I place my faith, my family, my work, my dreams, and my future into Your hands. I trust You completely. May You lead my life. I love You, and I will honor You by sharing this prayer. If you love God and are not ashamed of Him, pass this prayer to someone you care about and Walk by Faithi our life. Don't forget Amen. -------------- Christ Follower Life is on a mission to fill your days with constant reminders of God's love and presence. Every day, we create photos, videos, share stories, and offer products about God's love. This helps you stay reminded of God's love, easily share His message, and give meaningful Christian gifts Follow us on: ► Our Store: https://christfollowerlife.com/ ► Facebook: / christfollowerlife ► Instagram: / christ.follower.life ► Pinterest: / christfollowerlife -------------- Thank you! God bless you ♥️