MT03 - R6 Throttle Tube Install

MT03 - R6 Throttle Tube Install

The stock Yamaha MT03 and R3 require a ridiculous amount of rotation to get to full throttle. It is difficult to open the throttle wide without repositioning your hand on the grip. The long stock throttle throw can make it more difficult to accelerate quickly which is already a challenge on a bike with smaller engine capacity. Switching the throttle tube for the tube from a Yamaha R6 reduces the rotation to full throttle by approximately 20%, a noticeable improvement. The R6 throttle tube mod makes the MT03 and R3 more fun to ride and more responsive during acceleration. Force required to open the throttle increases by a small amount due to the larger R6 tube diameter, but is well worth the improvement in response. Use my Amazon Affiliate link to purchase the correct throttle tube: Amazon Affiliate link for the correct 3M Gloss Lucid Yellow Vinyl Wrap I used is Affiliate Links: Maxima Chain Cleaner: Chain Brush: Maxima Chain Lube: Rear Paddock Stand: Blue Shop Towels: Neck Gaiter: