12-24-22 Christmas Eve
12–25–2022 - Christmas Day Rev. Rachel Griffin Baughman #Christmas #OLUMC #OakLawn #InclusiveChurch __________________ You can find the connect card at: https://connect-card.com/n1jXSxHGgqEn... You can find the digital bulletin at: olumc.org/4bulletin For online giving, please go to: https://olumc.churchcenter.com/giving ____________________ Oak Lawn UMC is an Inclusive, Expansive, and Entrepreneurial Congregation. A safe and welcoming space for all community identities, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. We, as Oak Lawn UMC, continue to intentionally decide to “Let Love Continue” and “Do No Harm.” working towards equity for and full inclusion of all persons. For more visit our web page https://olumc.org/ _____________________ Music licenses: All rights reserved. CCLI License #: 11477401 One License #: A-728430 Envato Licensed Elements-A