Cambridge IELTS Book-9, Speaking Test-1 For Band 9 Score

Cambridge IELTS Book-9, Speaking Test-1 For Band 9 Score

Cambridge IELTS Book-9, Speaking Test-1 For Band 9 Score Syed Woares’s English Class (A perfect teacher in English for learning IELTS, O Level English, Spoken English, English Literature, English Language, English Grammar etc.). This IELTS YouTube Video was made by Syed Woares. At the same time, the script for this IELTS YouTube Video was also written by Syed Woares. However, this YouTube Video will surely help several learners to achieve a Band 9 score on the IELTS Speaking Test. I, Syed Woares, teach IELTS & Spoken English. I have been teaching IELTS for a long time. Many of my students have obtained a satisfactory band score in IELTS including 7, 7.5 and 8. I am very competent in teaching four modules of IELTS (Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing). All of my students have benefited greatly by following my tips, guidelines & suggestions. I also teach English Language, English Literature, and English Grammar to English Medium School, College & University students. I also take English classes for BBA & MBA. I am also very experienced in teaching O Level English in both Edexcel and Cambridge Curriculum. At the same time, many of my school, college and university students have secured "A" in English Language, English Literature & English Grammar. I also have enough experience in Content Writing, Article Writing, Essay Writing, Report Writing, Product Description Writing, Blog Writing, Email Writing, Resume Writing etc. Learners can attend my classes both Online and Offline. Please contact me on my WhatsApp Number: +8801913506567 to know more information. My Website: My YouTube Channel:    / @syedwoares4   #cambridgeieltsbook9speakingtest1forband9score, #ieltsspeaking, #syedwoaressenglishclass, #spokenenglish