Far Cry PRIMAL: PART 2 Gameplay Walkthrough (NO COMMENTARY)

Far Cry PRIMAL: PART 2 Gameplay Walkthrough (NO COMMENTARY)

Far Cry PRIMAL: PART 2 Gameplay Walkthrough played on PC. Enjoy watching! Far Cry Primal is a game in the Far Cry series that was released by Ubisoft on the 23rd of February, 2016. Far Cry Primal is set in 10,000 BC in the land of Oros, after the end of the last Ice Age. It follows the character of Takkar, a hunter of the Wenja tribe. If you like the video, kindly leave a like and a comment for me to improve my next videos. SUBSCRIBE -    / @bagwisofthesouth   I do not consider myself a professional gamer. For fun, I play video games. Nonetheless, this is a step towards becoming a better gamer. Hopefully, this game will bring joy and nostalgia while you watch every part. If you have any suggestions for me on how can I improve my video editing, let me know in the comments! #farcryprimal #farcryprimalпрохождение #farcryprimalgameplay #walkthrough #gameplay #farcryprimaltürkçe