Car Crash Compilation | Bad Drivers, Instant Karma, Brake Check, Driving Fails | 2023
All footage is Edited and I add a storyline and my commentary. Here you can learn how to /how not to drive and behave in traffic. original commentary and/or storyline at the beginning or at the end of the clips throughout the compilation.Please, read each clip text commentary on the video screen. We tried to give you additional information about so you can better understand what did driver do wrong. Here you can learn about consequences of bad driving/driving fails so you can educate yourself and be a better driver. TO SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO: Please fill out this form https://forms.gle/b1Y5mkiDwAe67qz36 Email Your Clip To:[email protected]. 📌3 TOP |Dash Cam To Buy 2023(Verified List): 4️⃣Vantrue N4 3 Channel 4K Dash Cam-https://amzn.to/3iMjlHv 5️⃣VIOFO A129 Pro Duo Dash Cam 4K + 1080P Front and Rearhttps://amzn.to/3Wno6EU 6️⃣Kingslim D5-4K Dash Cam with WiFi-https://amzn.to/3ZOxlAY Special thanks to the video submitters! #car crashes #road dashcam #bad drivers #bad drivers USA UK ITALY # OMG # Car fails #Today # road rage #instant karma ALL VIDEOS ARE USED WITH OWNERS PERMISSION