Catholic Sunday Mass Online - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (23 Jun 2024)
Mass Celebrated by Rev Fr Paul Ngo, MEP at Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary The broadcasts of Masses online are supplements, not substitutes, for physical attendance in church. These recordings of Masses in Singapore Catholic churches, are offered to those who cannot attend in person due to illness, care-giving, or with legitimately valid reasons. For those watching, may you find comfort and strength. "...the Church has legislated that “on Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass.” (CCC 2180, cf Canon Law 1247.) It also states that “unless excused for a serious reason (e.g. illness, the care of infants, or vulnerable to infectious disease) or given dispensation by their own pastor, those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.” (CCC 2181, cf Canon Law 1245). This law is imposed not to make our lives inconvenient but to underscore the grave obligation that active participation in the Sunday Eucharist is vital for Christian life. " Cardinal William Goh (Pastoral Letter, 10 Mar 2023) "... those who hear or view these broadcasts should be aware that, under normal circumstances, they do not fulfill the obligation of attending Mass. Visual images can represent reality, but they do not actually reproduce it.(177) While it is most praiseworthy that the elderly and the sick participate in Sunday Mass through radio and television, the same cannot be said of those who think that such broadcasts dispense them from going to church and sharing in the eucharistic assembly in the living Church." (57. SACRAMENTUM CARITATIS. Pope Benedict XVI) “Because the faithful are obliged to attend Mass unless there is a grave impediment...” (49. DIES DOMINI, St John Paul II ) The Catholic Mass is celebrated all around the world. We are pleased to provide these recordings of Catholic Masses to you in English. Expect to hear homilies about Catholic teachings, Catholic answers to life’s questions, Catholic prayers, Catholic hymns (Christian songs) that come from 2000 years of tradition and practice. The Holy Mass is beautiful and stems from Jesus, and all are welcome! ► MASS READINGS • First Reading: Job 38:1,8-11 • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 106(107):23-26,28-32 ("O give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures for ever.") • Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 • Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 *The current day's readings are accessible at https://www.catholic.sg/mass-readings ► OFFERTORY/CONTRIBUTIONS: Support your Parish, Catholic Foundation and other Charities: https://www.catholic.sg/offertory Support the production of our media content: https://www.catholic.sg/supportmedia International donors: https://www.catholicfoundation.sg/intl ► SUBSCRIBE ABOVE And remember to tap on the golden bell icon to be alerted for new videos ► THE CATHOLIC FAITH (RCIA in Singapore): • For those who are seeking: https://www.catholic.sg/seek • For Catholics who want to share: https://www.catholic.sg/share ► MORE INFORMATION • Production and Webcasting by collaborators, staff, volunteers of the hosting parish and the Communications Office, Archbishop's Office, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore • Connect with the Archdiocese - https://www.catholic.sg/our-channels/ #catholicmasstoday #catholicmass #catholicwebcast #catholiclivestream #catholicprayers #catholiclive #Jesus #catholic #catholicsg #proud2bcatholic #sundaymass N.B. This video may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission from the Archbishop’s Communications Office and the hosting parish. This includes extracts, quotations or summaries.