In this video, I'm going to discuss with you how to survive heat stress. I will give you some do's and don'ts that you'll need to keep in mind as we go through this drought. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for your support, Be Blessed Polo "We Workin" _________________________________________ Simple Lawn Solutions 5% discount Code: Pologreen https://simplelawnsolutions.com/ *Please note that the link above is an affiliate link and at no additional cost to you. I will earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking the link. I've tested these products and seen them perform on many different lawns, and i stand behind them. ________________________________________ To Purchase Polo Fields Lawn Service Apperal, go to 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 https://www.polofieldsclothing.com/ _________________________________________ How to measure your lawn • How To Measure Your Lawn _________________________________________ The DIFFERENCE between HEAT STRESS and lawn FUNGUS • The DIFFERENCE between HEAT STRESS an... __________________________________________ When Should You Renovate Your Lawn • When Should You Renovate Your Lawn? __________________________________________ How do I know if I have a fungus in my lawn? • How to Identify Lawn Fungus __________________________________________ How to prepare your lawn for a fungus • How to Prepare your lawn for a fungus __________________________________________ You can follow me at: / polofieldslawnservice / kenharbison2 / kenharbison2 #heatstress #brownspotsinlawn #droughtadvisory #PoloFieldsLawnService #watering #raingauge #heatwave #coolseasongrass #warmseasongrass #Vlog #survivingheatstress #heatadvisory #lawntips #Bermudagrass #heat