Drink Lemon And Cucumber Water For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

Drink Lemon And Cucumber Water For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body!

Follow us on Twitter: @foods4health1 Recipes4Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2bZ... To learn more about the health benefits of food, visit: http://www.benefitsoffood.blogspot.com Drink Lemon And Cucumber Water For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body! Proper hydration is incredibly important for our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many individuals are not drinking enough water per day, and because of this are often dehydrated or even chronically dehydrated. This can compromise our health a number of ways including less energy, improper and digestive ailments, less toxins and wastes being flushed from our body, bodily and brain function and perhaps even worse. not only is lemon water and cucumber a great way to increase hydration levels, but it is also incredibly healthy and can promote our overall health a number of ways. Both ingredients offer amazing health benefits that cannot be overlooked. Simply take one to two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 5 to 8 cucumber slices and add it to a cup or two of water. You can also add lemon slices instead of the juice alone to this mixture. Now, lets discuss some of the amazing health benefits of consuming lemon water mixed with cucumber regularly. 1. First, lemon and cucumber water is a nutritional powerhouse and is a great way to start your day, and perhaps even better, sipped throughout the day to give us a steady infusion of nutrients into our body. Squeeze some of the lemon and cucumber slices into the water for added benefits, such as fibre. Lemons and lemon water are packed with vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. Lemon water is an amazing source of vitamin C, along with potassium, folate, vitamin B6, copper and thiamin. It is also packed with essential antioxidants and fibre while being low in calories. Cucumbers are also packed with healthy nutrients. When adding cucumber to your water, it is often recommended to keep the peels on, the same with lemons so be sure to wash both ingredients before adding to your water. Cucumbers are a great source of vitamin K, manganese, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. They are also a great source of antioxidants are are very low in calories and high in water content. 2. Lemon and cucumber water can also help to promote proper digestion, increase regularity and reduce symptoms associated with unwanted digestive ailments. Lemons are a tremendous source of soluble fibre, with its main source of fibre coming from an important compound known as pectin, which offers many health benefits when it comes to proper digestion. Studies have shown that soluble fibre can improve overall gut health while slowing down digestion and increasing nutrient uptake. It can also help good bacteria to thrive in the gut and digestive tract. This is why it is important to squeeze some of the lemon into your water, so you can get the pulp to get more of these fibre benefits. Cucumber water can also help to improve digestion and importantly, promote regularity. It can improve stool consistency, prevent constipation and help to add bulk. Like lemons, the fibre found in cucumbers which is also soluble fibre, particularly section, can increase bowel frequency whole also supporting proper digestion. Cucumber water can also support beneficial bacteria in the gut as well, so be sure to squeeze some of those cucumber slices into your water. 3. Consuming a mixture of lemon and cucumber water can also help to support heart health and is a great and easy way to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and risk factors associated with it. Lemons and lemon water are very heart healthy. This is often attributed to its incredible levels of vitamin C and other potent antioxidants. Studies have shown that consuming foods rich in vitamin C can provide a significant reducing in the risk of developing heart disease. The good levels of fibre in lemons and lemon water can also reduce the risk of heart disease, but even more, can again significantly reduce risk factors associated with it. This fibre can help to reduce total cholesterol levels while the important plant compounds in lemon water can help in the same way. Cucumber water is also very heart healthy. Not only is it a good source of heart healthy fibre, but it is very rich in antioxidants that can reduce free radicals and oxidative stress while also blocking oxidation. Free radicals can cause damage to the cardiovascular system while oxidative stress has been linked with heart disease. DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.