SNIPER ELITE V2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 - No Commentary

SNIPER ELITE V2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 - No Commentary

Sniper Elite V2 (2012) Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 No Commentary Developer : Rebellion Developments Publishers : Rebellion Developments, 505 Games Release Date : May 04, 2012 MISSION : Opernplatz The protagonist is U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Karl Fairburne, a German-American OSS operative and skilled sniper who is inserted into Berlin in 1945, during the final days of World War II. The game starts with Fairburne discussing Operation Paperclip and its predecessor, Operation Overcast, as the United States makes an effort to recruit the top scientific personnel of Nazi Germany with offers of employment. Fairburne is tasked with tracking down key individuals involved with the development of the V-2, which pits him against both the fanatical German forces defending Berlin and the invading Soviet forces who are eager to recruit the scientists to their side. ____________________________________________ MISI Tokoh utamanya adalah Letnan Dua Angkatan Darat AS Karl Fairburne, seorang operasi OSS Jerman-Amerika dan penembak jitu terampil yang dimasukkan ke Berlin pada tahun 1945, selama hari-hari terakhir Perang Dunia II. Permainan dimulai dengan Fairburne yang mendiskusikan Operasi Paperclip dan pendahulunya, Operasi Mendung, ketika Amerika Serikat berupaya merekrut tenaga ilmiah terbaik Nazi Jerman dengan tawaran pekerjaan. Fairburne ditugaskan untuk melacak individu-individu penting yang terlibat dalam pengembangan V-2, yang mempertemukannya dengan pasukan fanatik Jerman yang mempertahankan Berlin dan pasukan Soviet yang ingin merekrut para ilmuwan ke pihak mereka. Video Collection Sniper Elite V2 (2012):    • Sniper Elite V2 (2012)   Video Collection Medal of Honor (2010):    • Medal of Honor (2010)   Video Collection Dead Space (2008):    • Dead Space (2008)   Enjoy watching! - Terimakasih buat yang sudah mampir, yang sudah like, share, dan subscribe...!! - Follow me on -   / _gemfm   - Subscribe GEMFM to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the latest games! #Gameplay #SniperEliteV2 #Walkthrough