October 30/31
Sunday, October 31 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 12:28-34 You shall love ... (Mark 12:30, 31) What does it mean to love God and our neighbor? How do we keep these two great commandments, especially when we aren't feeling the love? Let's look to the greatest Lover of all time, Jesus, to find some answers. How did Jesus love God? His relationship with His heavenly Father was the focus of His life. Jesus spent hours - and even whole nights - praying so that He could converse with his Father. Every action and decision He took reflected His Father's will. Out of this loving relationship flowed Jesus' love for His neighbor. No matter what He was feeling at each moment, Jesus did what God asked of Him. He taught and healed people. He forgave His persecutors. Ultimately, He gave His life out of loving obedience to His Father and deep love for each of us. There are - and will be - many times when we don't feel particularly loving. But as Jesus showed us, love is more than an emotion; it's a series of actions and decisions that reflect God's will. When we make our relationship with our Father the focus of our lives, He will give us the grace to love, even when our emotions don't fall in line. So how do you love your heavenly Father? Spend time in prayer and Scripture each day. Seek His grace and mercy in the sacraments. Try to fulfill the unique mission you believe God has given you. And how do you love your neighbor? Care for the people God has put in your life. Build up, rather than tear down. Forgive those who have hurt you. Tell people about Jesus, Today, think about all the opportunities you will have to love God and your neighbor. Then go ahead and do these things. Don't worry if you don't "feel the love." What matters is that you are obeying the two most important commandments - and reflecting God's love into the world. “Jesus, show me how to love today.” Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51 Hebrews 7:23-28