Holy Eucharist - Twenty First Sunday in ordinary time - 22nd August 2021
1. Today, we observe as Justice Sunday in our Archdiocese. 2. We will soon begin the RCIA course i.e rite of Christian initiation for adults for those interested to become Catholic. The last date for the enrollment of the RCIA is 30th September 2021. If anyone wants to volunteer to be a Catechist for the same can contact Fr. Desmond Fernandes or Precilla Fernandes. 3. The Novena in preparation for the Nativity of Mother Mary will begin on 30th August 2021. During Novena days Holy Mass will be celebrated at 6.30 p.m. and will be streamed live on our parish You Tube channel. 4. To those attending online Mass Holy communion will be distributed immediately after the Mass and will continue only up to 10.30 a.m. 5. We are happy to inform you that we have new cell in our parish, i.e. Sahar Parish media cell and I urge many boys and girls who are technologically savvy to join this cell. 6. Collection made on Vianney Sunday amounted to Rs. 11, 302/-. ( Rupees eleven thousand three hundred and two only ) END OF THE NOTICES, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Fr. John Lopes Parish Priest