Vouju ra Aama sanga momo banawdai 😋|| Cooking in a village life || Family vlog ||‪@SujeetaLimbu‬

Vouju ra Aama sanga momo banawdai 😋|| Cooking in a village life || Family vlog ||‪@SujeetaLimbu‬

Hello Sewaro🙏🏻 Welcome everyone to this new episode of Muyeng Vlogs. Today, we're spending our Sunday making momos with my mother (Aama) and sister-in-law (Bhawju). Join us as we learn the entire process of making delicious veg momos from scratch. Let's cook together and enjoy this special family time🤗 #village #villagelife #villagevlog #villagelifestyle #villagefood #villagecooking #family vlog#familyvlog #familyvloggingchannel #food #foodie #momo #momomaking #vegmomos #vegmomos #organic #organicvegetables #cooking #momorecipe #food #gaules #cookingvideo #newvideo #foodvideos #organicfarm #bijanbari #bijanbarivlog #chargharay #darjeeling #dailyvlog #daily #support