NSAIDs Pharmacology |Acetaminophen| Celecoxib| Mechanism of actions| PART 2

NSAIDs Pharmacology |Acetaminophen| Celecoxib| Mechanism of actions| PART 2

Pharmacology Lectures for MBBS and BDS Pharmacology of NSAIDs part-2 acetaminophen and celecoxib Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of acetaminophen. Mechanism of action of acetaminophen and celecoxib Mechanism of action of acetaminophen and celecoxib Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of celecoxib. Therapeutic uses of Acetaminophen Metabolism of acetaminophen. Toxic metabolism of acetaminophen Toxicity of Acetaminophen. Selective COX-2 Inhibitors (Coxibs) Effects of Celecoxib. Therapeutic uses of Celecoxib . Adverse effects of Celecoxib #pharmacologylectures #acetaminophen #celecoxib #therapeuticuses #nonselectivecoxinhibitors #mbbs #bds #pharmacology #acetaminophen #celecoxib #modeofaction #drabdulqudoos #sdlwithdrabdulqudoos #toxicmetabolism #acetaminophentoxicity #celecoxibuses #pharmacologylectures #analgesia #fever #hyperpyrexia #dangue #danguefever #cox #coxinhibitors #nursingpharmacology #nursingstudent #dentistrypharmacology #dentalpain #dentalanalgesics