ANGRAU Farmers Quota Verification Dates Extended | AP Eamcet Web Counselling Dates 2020
#ANGRAU Farmers Quota Verification Dates Extended | #AP_Eamcet #Web_Counselling Dates 2020 Last Date for submission of application form is extended upto 05.12.2020 Farmers Quota Certificates Verification: 3rd, 4th and 5th Dec 2020 Extended Dates: 7th, 8th and 9th December. (Note: Candidates need to visit their nearest certificate verification centres) Verification of Certificates uploaded under Grievance Request: 3rd, 4th and 5th Dec 2020 (Note: Candidates Need not visit the Centers as the certificates will be verified by the competent authorities based on the documents uploaded) Note: The applicants other than farmer quota, certificates submitted were already validated at EAMCET level, hence need not attend the certificates verification. For special category applicants also, certificates verification will be done by concerned authorities for priorities, therefore need not attend verification. Farmers Quota Certificates Verification: Guidelines & Verification Centers ( 3rd, 4th and 5th Dec 2020) Extended Dates: 7th, 8th and 9th December. Procedure to correct/ update/ change documents (Grievance Request): In case of any mistakes made inadvertently while submitting the application-registration form, candidates can avail the "Grievance Request-Service Option" and can re-upload the documents i.e. NCC, CAP, Sports, Farmers' Quota and any other document which is not submitted earlier/ validated during AP EAMCET 2020. Video Related Keywords : ------------------------ angrau www.angrau.ac.in www.angrau.ac.in 2020 ntruhs www.angrau.ac.in notification 2020 angrau counselling angrau university angrau notification 2020 angrau.ac.in www.angrau.ac.in application form 2020 knruhs angrau eamcet counselling 2020 angrau counselling dates 2020 www.angrau.ac.in admission notification www.angrau.ac.in agricet notification 2020 pjtsau ntruhs.ap.nic.in 2020 angrau vc mcc apeamcetb.nic.in 2020 apmedadm ntruhs ap gov in angrau.ac.in web counselling