Dengue Fever Symptoms | Alamat | Urdu | Hindi
Dengue fever symptoms in Urdu/hindi, Dengue fever Alamat in Urdu/hindi By Dr. Adnan Dengue fever in urdu has been explained in this video. Dengue fever symptoms in urdu include fever and others like body aches etc. Dengue fever alamat start with fever, body aches and retro orbital pain. Dengue fever symptoms in hindi are key to diagnose a patient of dengue bukhar as called in urdu. Dengue fever alamat are more in the immunocompromised people and the alamat in urdu and hindi are explained very well in this video. Dengue fever symptoms in hindi are in three phases of dengue fever i.e Febrile phase, critical phase and recovery phase of dengue illness. Dengue fever symptoms in urdu are for general public health awareness about dengue fever because many critical patients come when a lot of fluid and rehabilitation is required. Dengue symptoms pakistan is high of these cases because of urbanisation and growth of dengue mosquito in humid places because it is a mosquito born tropical disease. This virus is in the human body of infected person, then goes to female dengue mosquito and from there it goes to the next person and infects him with the dengue infection or dengue bukhar. Dengue virus alamat are very troublesome for people because they don't go for cbc and early check-up from the hospital to ensure and prepare themselves for any severe dengue symptoms or critical phase of dengue. Time Stamps 00:00 Intro 00:47 Febrile phase of dengue 01:37 Bone, joint and muscle pain 01:58 Headache in dengue 03:04 Dengue tests cbc, NS1 igg igm hindi 03:38 Low platelets count symptoms 04:20 NS1 antigen test in dengue 04:52 Dengue NS1 antigen test 05:17 Critical phase of dengue 06:53 Dengue fever pattern 07:18 Labs in critical phase of dengue 07:42 Body rashes in dengue 08:44 Capillary leakage in dengue 09:18 Dengue shock syndrome 09:40 Dengue hemorrhagic fever 10:10 Tourniquet test in dengue fever 10:44 Patechiae test in dengue, 11:16 Warning signs of dengue 12:20 Abdominal pain in dengue 12:42 Bleeding from nose and gums 13:45 Is vomiting normal is dengue 15:22 Severe dengue fever 16:59 Recovery phase of dengue 17:16 Dengue fluid management 18:55 Conclusion #denguefeversymptoms #denguefeverinurdu #denguefeversymptomsinurdu #denguefeversymptomsinhindi #dangikialamat2022 #denguekialamaturdumein #denguekialamat #denguebukharkialamat #dangimacharkialamat #denguevirusalamat #denguebukharsymptoms #denguefeversignandsymptoms #denguefevershock #severedenguesymptoms Is vomiting normal in dengue? No. Continuous vomiting in dengue is a warning signs and symptoms of dengue fever and emergency consultation with doctor is necessary. So, dengue fever sign and symptoms are versatile and one should remain vigilant for the warning signs of dengue specially during critical phase of dengue. This videos also answers the urdu question i.e dengue ki alamat for the wellbeing of public and a simplified language to understand the severity of this dengue virus outbreak. Dr adnan has covered all aspects regrading dengue fever and severe dengue symptoms. Also, hindi question of dengue ke lakshan and upchar and dengue fever ki alamat also detailed in this video for ease of general public. Dengue fever shock is more crucial for patients. Because, awareness is most important in people so that disease could be managed early. People ask urdu question like dengue machar ki alamat which are in whole body and worst symptoms is pain in the back and extreme fatigue. Public asks updated info regarding this dengue virus disease like dengue ki alamat 2022, so this info provided here is updated and covers all aspects of the disease. Dengue is a viral disease caused by genus flavivirus and transmitted by infected female aedes aegypti. Dengue machar alamat start with fever and then with pain in eyes, muscle and joint pain, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, back pain, rash and then hemorrhage and blending from nose, gums and mouth in the severe case where platelets are low during dengue virus infection. So, Dengue fever is an infectious disease and the infected female mosquito can infect up to 6 people and dies after few days. Male mosquitoes can not infect the humans. There are two parts of life cycle of virus, one is in the mosquito and other is in the human body. Incubation period from getting infected to showing symptoms is 2-7 days and mostly people show symptoms on 4th or 5th day after getting bit from dengue mosquito. Warning symptoms are bleeding, low pulse rate, patechiae, low platelets count, raised hematocrit, fluid in the abdomen and chest i.e ascites and pleural effusion respectively. Contact us; Gmail [email protected] Facebook https://www.facebook.com/adnansensiti... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...