SUPER SPECIAL TECHNIQUE for propagating bananas with coca cola, super fast growth

SUPER SPECIAL TECHNIQUE for propagating bananas with coca cola, super fast growth

🌳SUPER SPECIAL TECHNIQUE for propagating bananas with coca cola, super fast growth. 🌳Bananas are very beneficial for your health. You should plant several types of bananas in your garden to enjoy clean bananas without pesticides. Here are some of the main uses of bananas that have been researched. 1.Improve blood sugar levels. Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. During digestion, soluble fiber helps dissolve in liquids to form gels. According to Healthline, together, these two types of fiber can regulate your blood sugar after meals. Additionally, they may help regulate your appetite by slowing stomach emptying. 2. Supports digestive health Fiber provides many health benefits, including improved digestion. A medium-sized banana provides about 3g of fiber. Resistant starch, the type of fiber found in unripe bananas, is a prebiotic. In the large intestine, prebiotics become food for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. 3. Supports cardiovascular health Potassium is an important mineral for heart health, especially blood pressure control. However, with their daily diet, very few people receive the necessary amount of potassium. Meanwhile, bananas are an excellent source of potassium. A diet rich in potassium can help lower blood pressure. Additionally, according to older studies and animal studies, people who eat more potassium have up to a 27% lower risk of heart disease. Furthermore, bananas also provide magnesium, another important mineral for heart health. 4. Supports post-workout recovery Bananas are sometimes considered the perfect food for athletes. This is largely due to its easily digestible carb content, as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium, both of which act as electrolytes. You lose electrolytes through sweat when you exercise vigorously. Resupplying your body with potassium and magnesium after a sweat, like eating a banana, can reduce exercise-related muscle cramps and soreness. 🌳If you want me to graft what tree, leave a comment and I will make a video tutorial. ❤️❤️❤️Thanks for your interest in our video, have a nice day.❤️❤️❤️ garden tree Orange lime tree guava tree how to graft trees How to propagate guava tree to produce fruit 100% How to propagate guava tree propagate plants by leaves grafting lemon tree Propagate plants with bananas aloe vera to graft tree uses grafting plants with potatoes tree grafting technique grafting jackfruit tree grafting mango tree #banana #garden #treegrafting