Partnership final accounts class 12

Partnership final accounts class 12

#partnershipfinalaccount #accountancy #bk We have to discuss about Example of Depreciation with working Note ,Journal and Ledger account #Depreciation #Class11 #Imransir #scafamily�#Accountancy #Simplecashbook #Subsidairybook #imransir #Journa #Ledgerl #Imransir #scafamily #Accountancy #ClassificationofTransacton #AccountingEquation #Class11 #Trandin04 Practice Problem No - 01    • Journal entry accounting class 11 by ...   Practice Problem No - 02    • Journal Entry for class 11 | Journal ...   Practice Problem No - 03    • Journal entry accounting class 11 | P...   Practice Problem No - 04    • Journal entry accounting class 11 | G...   Practice Problem No - 05    • Journal entry accounting class 11 | G...   Practice Problem No - 06    • Journal entry in accounting class 11 ...   Practice Problem No - 07    • Journal entry | Practice problem No 0...   ------------------------------------------- Classification of Transaction 1.   • Classification of Transaction in acco...   2.   • Classification of Transaction in acco...   3.   • Classification of Transaction in acco...   _______________________________________ Basic concepts video link    • Accounting Equation for Class 11 | Ac...      • Accounting Equation for Class 11 | Ac...   . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------- Class 12 Lecture Death of Partner links 👇 1.   • Death of partner for class 12 || Deat...   2.   • Death of partner class 12 || Death of...   3.   • Death of partner problem with solutio...   ------------------------------------------- Previous videos 👇 1.    • Admission of Partner class 12th | Lec...   2.    • Admission of a Partner 12th class |Pr...   3.    • Admission of Partner 12th class ||Pro...   4    • Admission of Partner Question 9 with ...   5.    • Admission of Partner (Current Account...   ---------------------------------------------- Also watch SUBJECT : Book-keeping and Accountancy CHAPTER. 1 PARTNERSHIP FINAL ACCOUNT VIDEO. 1    • Partnership final account 12th class(...   VIDEO. 2    • Partnership final account in marathi ...   VIDEO. 3    • Partnership final a/c (lectures :4) i...   VIDEO. 4    • Partnership final a/c (lectures :5) i...   VIDEO. 5    • Partnership final a/c (Lecture : 6) i...   VIDEO. 6    • Partnership final Account (lecture:7)...   --------------------------------------------- CHAPTER. 2 NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATION VIDEO. 1    • Not for profit Organization 12th  cla...   VIDEO. 2    • Not for profit concerns (Important pr...   VIDEO. 3    • Not for profit Organization Class 12t...   VIDEO. 4    • Not for profit organization in marath...   VIDEO. 5    • Not for profit organization 12th clas...   --------------------------------------------- Subject :English 1. AN ASTROLOGER 'S DAY Part. 1    • an astrologer day marathi explanation...   Part. 2    • An Astrologer's Day explain in marath...   ---------------------------------------------- Join what's app group 👇 8087888045 Name, address, class (Send message only) ------------------------------------------ Don't forget 👉Like 👉comments 👉share 👉Subscriber ---------------------------------------------- Imran Sir Sca Family Thank you very much 🙏