Sentences with a word MAKE. Important Phrasal Verbs in English.  For Use in Conversations!

Sentences with a word MAKE. Important Phrasal Verbs in English. For Use in Conversations!

Here are 100 sentences with the word "make": Let's make a plan for the weekend. Can you make some coffee for us? I need to make a decision by tomorrow. That film really makes you think. She knows how to make a grand entrance. I'll make a list of things we need from the store. It's essential to make time for yourself. This opportunity could make or break his career. Let's make the most of our time here. Did you make your bed this morning? I love to make music in my free time. Make sure you lock the door when you leave. We should make reservations for dinner. Can you make room for one more person? He tried to make amends for his mistake. We need to make a change. I'm trying to make sense of this situation. She knows how to make everyone laugh. This ingredient will make all the difference in the recipe. We're trying to make ends meet. I'll make an exception just this once. She's determined to make a name for herself. Make a wish and blow out the candles! This software can make your work easier. Let's make a pact to always be there for each other. I want to make a good impression. She's learning how to make jewelry. It's hard to make predictions about the future. I'll make a note of your feedback. The coach will make the final call. I'm trying to make a difference in my community. Make sure you check the expiry date. I'm going to make dinner tonight. We need to make a left turn at the next intersection. They are trying to make peace after their argument. He's learning how to make bread from scratch. I love the way you make me feel. Make your move before time runs out. The school wants to make improvements. I have to make an early start tomorrow. Let's make a toast to our achievements! They'll make history with this discovery. She's trying to make new friends at her school. I don't want to make a scene. We need to make preparations for the event. Make sure you read the instructions carefully. This dessert will make your day. Let's make a deal: you cook, and I'll clean. I don't know how to make this work. We should make a contribution to the charity. Let's make memories that will last a lifetime. Make yourself at home! I want to make my parents proud. This incident will make headlines. Let's make a pact to stay in touch. I don't want to make assumptions. Let's make the best of a bad situation. He's trying to make a comeback in his career. I can't make it to the party tonight. This technique will make your painting stand out. I want to make my voice heard. Make sure you wear sunscreen. Let's make an effort to see each other more often. He tried to make a joke, but no one laughed. I want to make an appointment with the doctor. We have to make a payment before the due date. This experience will make you stronger. Let's make a bucket list together. Can you make space for this box? We should make a commitment to our goals. I'm trying to make healthier food choices. She's trying to make connections in her industry. Make a turn at the next corner. I want to make an impact with my work. We need to make arrangements for our trip. This story will make you cry. I'll make an inquiry about the rates. I want to make a toast to our success. Let's make this moment count. I can't make out what he's saying. I need to make a report on this issue. We need to make a quick decision. This song always makes me dance. She's going to make an announcement soon. Make sure you pack warm clothes. Let's make a pact never to lie to each other. I need to make copies of this document. She's trying to make amends for her actions. This technique will make your tasks easier. Make yourself comfortable; it might be a while. I can't make any promises, but I'll try. I'm trying to make the deadline. This story will make you reconsider your beliefs. He's going to make a presentation tomorrow. Let's make a strategy for our project. I don't want to make mistakes. Make sure you save your work. We need to make updates to the software. This decision will make our future brighter. Let's make a journey to remember. These sentences reflect various uses of the word "make" in different contexts and structures.