#1 BA 1st year political science chapter 1 in hindi | rajniti vigyan kya hai | राजनीति शास्त्र
#1 Ba 1st year political science chapter 1 in hindi | rajniti vigyan kya hai | Welcome first-year BA students to our video on "Rajniti Vigyan," or Political Science. This video will provide a basic introduction to the field of Political Science, including its definition and scope, as well as its significance in understanding the functioning of governments and political systems. We will also discuss the various branches of Political Science, such as Indian politics, International relations, Public Administration and Political Theory. This video is perfect for students who are new to Political Science and want to gain a foundational understanding of the subject. We will also discuss how political science is related to other subjects in the social science stream. This is a must-watch video for all BA 1st-year students who are planning to pursue Political Science as their major or have Political Science as a subject. ANSWER PLAYLIST :- • BA 1st Year Political Science ( राजनी... Join Telegrams :- Complicated Study https://t.me/complicatedstudy Contact Us :- [email protected] BA 1st Year Political science 30 Important Mcq :- • BA 1st Year Political Science Importa... BA 1st Year History Important MCQ :- • BA 1st year history objective questio... ba 1st year political science, BA 1st Year Political Science, राजनीति विज्ञान क्या है ?, ba 1st year political science important question, ba 1st year political science notes in hindi, ba 1st year political science chapter 1, ba part 1 political science, ba 1st year poltical science, #ba1styearpoliticalscience #ba1styear #politicalscience important question ba 1st year political science notes in hindi ba 1st year political science chapter 1 #ba1styear #complicatedstudy #ba1stsemester #baexam