Day of Ascension May 16, 2021

Day of Ascension May 16, 2021

Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada) More Below ⬇︎ 0:00 Welcome and Call to Worship 1:32 "Rondo" (David Berry) 2:24 Prayer of Approach (Sheila Black) 3:25 Time With Children of All Ages (Anika Fraser and Magenta Watson) 7:43 Prayer of Illumination and Reading from Ephesians 1 (Eleanor Scott) 9:46 Psalm 47 (Tom Goud) 11:42 Sermon: "Day of Ascension" (Rev. Susan Brasier) 24:41 "Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above" (David Berry) 27:37 Prayers of the People 31:14 Charge and Benediction 31:55 Postlude: "Allegro Pomposo" (David Berry) Minister: Rev. Susan Brasier Organist & Music Director: David Berry Prayer of Approach: Sheila Black Scripture Reader: Eleanor Scott Psalmist: Tom Goud Storytellers: Anika Fraser and Magenta Watson If you wish to make a financial contribution to our ministries, visit: All music in the public domain or used with permission under CCLI License. A Goud-enough production