What Happened to your Body when Running everyday for a Month
It all started when a friend invited me to do a 5k with him – that’s about 3 miles. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a lot when you’re in your late twenties and haven’t run since gym class back in school. Not to mention the barely-there energy and weight gain that adulthood seemed to hit me with. Anyway, I had a month to get ready. How did I do it? The short answer is, baby steps! Of course, you should watch what you eat, stay hydrated, and train slowly but surely. After getting myself a new pair of running shoes, my journey began. I kept a daily log of my progress along the way. What about you? Are you ready to lace up your shoes and start running? #Running #HealthTips #ReduceFat #misclip Hit the Like Button!! Subscribe Our channel For More Videos 😊 👍 And Press The Bell 🛎 “