Malcolm X (1992) - Proposal Scene
From the Spike Lee film. Starring Denzel Washington and Angela Bassett. As described in The Autobiography of Malcolm X: "If you are thinking about doing a thing, you ought to make up your mind if you are going to do it, or not do it. It was about ten in the morning when I got inside Detroit. Getting gas at a filling station, I just went to their pay phone on a wall; I telephoned Sister Betty X. I had to get Information to get the number of the nurses' residence at this hospital. Most numbers I memorized, but I had always made it some point never to memorize her number. Somebody got her to the phone finally. She said, 'Oh, hello, Brother Minister --' I just said it to her direct: 'Look, do you want to get married?' Naturally, she acted all surprised and shocked. The more I have thought about it, to this day I believe she was only putting on an act. Because women know. They know. She said, just like I knew she would, 'Yes.' Then I said, well, I didn't have a whole lot of time, she'd better catch a plane to Detroit."