Our Chicken Tunnels, Coop, and Run Setup around the Garden

Our Chicken Tunnels, Coop, and Run Setup around the Garden

Chicken chunnels are a great option for a gardener with chickens. Here's our setup, including the chicken coop, chicken run, and chicken tunnels around two sides of our large garden area. Chickens are great for weed control and pest control for our gardens, and here's a way to help them work for you while keeping them safe. Plus, chunnels are a perfect way to "free range" chickens without the risk of actually free ranging them or the daily effort of moving chickens daily with a chicken tractor. Win-win for the time-strapped gardener! More resources: Beginner's Garden Podcast Episodes (and blog posts) on Chickens in the Garden -- A Gardener's Guide to Getting Started with Chickens: https://journeywithjill.net/gardening... Gardening with Chickens: How to Use Your Flock for Manure, Natural Tilling, Pest Control, and More: https://journeywithjill.net/gardening...