Perfect Easy Buttermilk Biscuits // Step by Step❤️

Perfect Easy Buttermilk Biscuits // Step by Step❤️

If you love Buttermilk Biscuits but you're afraid to make them because you think they're hard to make or you think they're time consuming then this video is for you. These delicious biscuits will get you hooked, they are delicious and super easy to make. These biscuits are perfect anytime of the day. I hope you give them a try.❤️ As an AMAZON associate I profit from qualified purchases (affiliate) Rachel cooks with love STOREFRONT INGREDIENTS _____________________ (425° 14 Minutes or till golden) 2 C. All purpose flour 1 Tbsp Baking powder 2 tsp sugar 3/4 tsp Salt 6 1/2 Tbsp very Cold Salted Butter 3/4 C. Cold Buttermilk ● About 1 1/2 Tbsp melted butter for brushing TIP------ ● BUTTERMILK SUBSTITUTE-- In a 1 Cup measuring cup add 1 Tbs white vinegar then fill the rest of the cup with whole milk. (let sit 5-10 minutes before using) ● DO not over knead ● Fold 3-4 times only or they will flop over when baking As an AMAZON associate I profit from qualified purchases (affiliate) Get Biscuit cutters at - Visit my storefront at DISCLAIMER DO NOT EAT OR SERVE THIS DISH TO ANYONE WHO IS OR MIGHT BE ALLERGIC TO ANY INGREDIENT IN THIS DISH. #biscuits #buttermilkbiscuits #rachelcookswithlove