25 lucky plants for home | Luck Plants To Bring Positive Energy to Your New Home | # Lucky Plants
#Ash Garden Ideas #vastu #gardening #home# Lucky Plants#goodluckplant #vastuplants #luckyplants #indoorplants 25 Good Luck Plants To Bring Positive Energy to Your New Home good luck plants inside the house lucky bamboo plants Top 25 lucky Plants for Home Top 25 Lucky Plants for Home vastu plants for home 2022 Fengshui Plants 25 top plants must for home 25 best good luck plants kept indoors stress reducing and lucky plants for health, wealth, and fortune “importance of plants in vastu shastra” vastu plants for home 2022 plants that bring bad luck and poverty lucky plants for home and workplace lucky plants for home best indoor plants vastu plants good luck plants for home good luck plant for home which plant is good luck for home in tamil vastu plants in home 1. Golden Pothos The plant spreads positive vibes in the house, brings wealth, and destroys negative energy in its surroundings. What Vastu Says The plant should be kept in south-east direction indoors. Avoid keeping it in the Northeast part of the house. 2. Lucky Bamboo Plant Lucky bamboo attracts peace, positive energy, luck, prosperity, and also works as a great tabletop or desk plant. It is one of the most popular Vastu plants for home. What Vastu Says Keep the plant in the south-east or east corner inside the home. For maximum benefits, go for a plant with six stalks. 3. Snake Plant Snake plant spreads positive energy and can even create a healthy environment by absorbing toxins like formaldehyde. It also removes carbon dioxide, which leads to a healthy body and mind. What Vastu Says Keep the plant in the south or east part of the bedroom. It’ll help to reduce stress and promote a positive ambiance. 4. Rubber Plant The rubber plant is not auspicious if planted outside in the garden, but brings fortune when a small specimen is kept indoors in a pot. What Vastu Says Keeping the rubber plant in the south-east direction of a living room can attract money and commercial success. 5. Jade Jade is a small green plant with round leaves, known to bring luck and symbolizes growth, prosperity, wealth, and positive energy. It can also prove beneficial in flourishing friendship. What Vastu Says Keeping it in the south-east direction of your entrance attracts most energy. 6. Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a core ingredient in various skincare, haircare, and digestion-related products. It ensures the flow of prosperity, happiness in your house, and also emits oxygen. What Vastu Says Keep the plant in north or east direction for positivity and warding off negative energy. 7. Peace Lily Peace lily plant gives an elegant look to your home with its beautiful white bracts. it is famous for bringing peace, keeps away the negative energy, and attracts good vibes. What Vastu Says The best place to keep this plant is near a bedroom window to bring calmness, peace, and good luck to the ambiance. 8. Banana Tree The banana tree is a symbol of prosperity and wealth and its delicate saplings and large leaves are used during various auspicious functions and festivals in India. What Vastu Says Growing a banana tree in the northeast direction of the garden brings good health and mental peace. 9. Holy Basil Holy basil is native to the Indian subcontinent, well-known for its medicinal properties. It is an air purifier, produces oxygen, and consuming its leaves removes toxins from the body. What Vastu Says Keeping holy basil plant in the north, north-east or east direction creates positive energy. 10. Lavender Lavender has a beautiful flowering herb and is widely grown for ornamental and medicinal purposes, its amazing fragrance relaxes the mind. What Vastu Says Keep the plant in a bedroom if you’ve got a window that receives some sun, for healthy relationships. It also promotes love and romance. 11. Peony Peony is an alluring flowering plant, which signifies optimism and love. It gives an appealing look to gardens and homes and helps in enhancing relationships. What Vastu Says Keeping the plant in the south-west corner of your home brings positivity and optimism. 12. Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum is considered to be a symbol of happiness, optimism, positive energy, and good luck. What Vastu Says Placing the plant in the living room attracts happiness, good luck, and creativity. Avoid keeping the plant in the bedroom as it may result in negativity. 13. Jasmine Jasmine has white flowers with a pleasant smell that can lift your mood. It spreads positive energy, destroys negative vibes, and promotes love. What Vastu Says Keeping the plant in the east or north of the house is very beneficial. It attracts positive energy and helps to soothe nerves. 14. Marigold The warm tone flowers of the marigold will not only add oomph to your place but will also bring positive energy to the family. 15. Hibiscus Hibiscus grows best outdoors but it becomes a showy houseplant as well. The dwarf hybrid cultivars that grow just 2-3 feet tall are good for this purpose.