Rain Rain Go Away Song on the Way to School | Fun Kids Song for Rainy Days

Rain Rain Go Away Song on the Way to School | Fun Kids Song for Rainy Days

Sing along to *"Rain Rain Go Away Song on the Way to School,"* a cheerful tune perfect for those rainy days when kids are heading to school! This fun and catchy song will have children laughing and singing as they wish the rain would go away, all while learning about the weather and the excitement of going to school. Rain Rain Go Away, Rainy day song for kids, Weather song for kids, Kids’ music, Preschool sing-along, Rain song for kids, Popular kids’ songs, Early learning songs, Nursery rhyme lyrics, Kids’ entertainment, Toddler sing-along, Interactive rain song, Sing-along preschool song, #RainRainGoAway #RainyDaySongForKids #WeatherSongForKids #KidsSongs #PreschoolSongs #SingAlong #KidsEntertainment #EarlyLearning #PopularKidsSongs #SingAlongSongs #NurseryRhymeLyrics #KidsEducation #RainSongsForKids