How to Spin a Pen Around Your Fingers Like A BOSS
🪄 Become a wizard and sign up to Card Magic Pro here - https://go.learnmagic.com/courses 📸 Follow my instagram - / oscar.owen Hey everyone welcome back! This week I am teaching you one Three amazing pen spins that you can learn right now. These spins are perfect for beginners who are looking to challenge themselves to learn something new. Enjoy x ⏱ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 0:48 The Thumb Around 5:25 The Thumb Around Reverse 9:59 The Thumb Around Harmonic 12:48 How To Practice 📚 My Book To Learn Magic Mind Blowing Magic Tricks For Everyone - https://geni.us/oscarowen 🔥My FREE magic masterclass! - Learn 5 of the greatest tricks ever created https://geni.us/free-tricks 📷 My 2022 magic and filmmaking equipment: The BEST playing cards - https://geni.us/gKvj My Card Table - https://geni.us/5aCX My Camera (It's INSANE!) - https://geni.us/f0LIr My Lens - https://geni.us/cvWA My Tripod - https://geni.us/vLRln My Lighting Setup - https://geni.us/sDx9BjI My Drone - https://geni.us/YMNc BE MY FRIEND: 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.learnmagic.com 📸 Instagram - / oscar.owen 🐦 Twitter - / oscarow92256553 WHO AM I: I’m Oscar, a YouTuber, author, and magician working in London, UK. I create videos that will turn you into a more interesting, confident and well rounded person. If you want to learn some amazing tricks and effects to become the most interesting person in the room, then this channel will help you get there. GET IN TOUCH: If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you. DMing me on instagram (@oscar.Owen) will be the quickest way to get a response, but if your question is very long, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone 😭