Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways | Ada Wong | Chapter: 2 Rescue Luis Sera

Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways | Ada Wong | Chapter: 2 Rescue Luis Sera

Reading a book about the villagers in the home of Bitores Mendez, Ada gets a call from Wesker to inform her that the researcher they planted, Luis Sera, has been captured by Mendez and is being held in a house on the other side of the village. Until he obtains the control plaga sample for them, he cannot be allowed to die. Ada remarks that Sera is quite high-maintenance and sets out to rescue him. After fighting her way through the village, including Chainsaw Man, Ada arrives at the house only to find that Leon has also been captured and that the Ganados are moving both prisoners to the valley. Racing back, Ada arrives at the chief's house just in time to save Leon from a quick death. However, this causes Mendez to chase after her instead. Eventually, Ada is tranquilized and captured. A few hours later, Ada wakes up just in time to avoid a grisly death at the end of a Ganado's axe during an Illuminados sacrifice. She makes her way up to the lift control room to discover that she needs a key to activate the gondola lift. She goes to the barn where, in a few hours, Leon will face off against Chief Mendez. For now though, there are only a few villagers, including a second Chainsaw Sister who is possession of the key Ada needs to advance. Defeating her opponents, Ada uses the lift and proceeds on. However, there is one last obstacle in her way: El Gigante. Either by fighting or fleeing, Ada gets past the monster arriving just after the siege on the cabin has ended. Luis informs her that he's on his way to get the sample. He asks her who she works for and she replies that there are things he's better off not knowing. He says he doesn't really care who she is as long as she gets rid of Saddler and Los Iluminados.