WARNING EXTREMELY POWERFUL! 963Hz HEALING MUSIC & Pineal Activation💛Divine Power💛Spiritual Awakening
WARNING EXTREMELY POWERFUL! 963Hz HEALING MUSIC & Pineal Activation💛Divine Power💛Spiritual Awakening Prepare for an incredibly powerful healing experience with the frequency 963Hz — also known as the Pineal Gland Activation frequency. This sacred frequency is designed to activate your third eye, unlock your divine power, and awaken your spiritual consciousness. 💰 963Hz is known as the frequency of spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. It resonates with the energy of the crown chakra and connects you to cosmic wisdom, divine love, and your higher self. It is believed to stimulate the pineal gland, often referred to as the “seat of the soul,” allowing for deeper spiritual insight and psychic abilities. 💰 What does 936 Hz mean? The 936 hz frequency is associated with awakening your intuition, activating the pineal gland, raising our vibration and connecting us to the universe. Also known as “The frequency of the Gods” 💰 What is the divine frequency 963? The 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency, resonating with the Crown Chakra, is one of the fundamental frequencies used in Sound Healing. Embark on a celestial odyssey of sound meditation featuring the transcendent frequency of 963 Hz. 💰 Key benefits of the 963Hz frequency: Pineal gland activation: Unlock your higher intuition and spiritual awareness. Divine connection: Strengthen your connection to the universe and your true self. Spiritual awakening: Experience deep growth and awakening on your spiritual path. Healing power: Balance your energy, clear blockages and restore harmony to your mind, body and spirit. Higher awareness: Achieve a state of inner peace, focus and clarity. 💰 Is 963 Hz safe? So, it can be readily concluded that listening to a 963 Hz frequency is safe. Studies show that the loss of solfeggio frequencies is due to the tuning of applications. The term "Just Intonation" refers to a tuning system that was utilized in classical music and other traditional tuning practices. Embrace the sacred power of the 963Hz frequency and let it guide you on your journey of spiritual awakening and healing. ⭐528hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 528 HZ FREQUENCY ⭐639Hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 639 HZ FREQUENCY ⭐963Hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 963HZ FREQUENCY ⭐432hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 432 HZ FREQUENCY ⭐999hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 999Hz Frequency of The God ⭐ 777hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 777hz ANGELIC FREQUENCY ⭐741Hz Solfeggio Frequencies : 👉 • 741HZ FREQUENCY 💰 Listen on Spotify, Apple music, Amzon music & Deezer Please do it to support me ↓ 💛Subscribe to my YouTube channel 💛 Like and comment on this video 💛 Comment and share! Sallay's official fanpage '' https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Sallay Meditation : https://sallay4737.wordpress.com/2023... © Exclusive music copyright of Sallay © Image and video copyright is licensed By Sallay Wish you happy listening to music ♥♥♥