pubic lice.... చాలా చిరాకు పుట్టించేవి... ఇవి జననాంగాల దగ్గర ఉంటాయి 😔😔

pubic lice.... చాలా చిరాకు పుట్టించేవి... ఇవి జననాంగాల దగ్గర ఉంటాయి 😔😔

pubic lice are stay at pubic area as welas in gental area.... pubic lice also called crabs, because these are look like small crabs some people pubic lice appeared at eyebrows, eye lashes, mustache, beared, we can treat this problem easily... by using ointments, creams, gels, foames,,, symptoms are itching, and spots will appear wer the lice will feed if you ideryfy this problem in anyone you can't use them cloths, are towels, don't share bed, if you have problem avoid sex..... if you have more problem baout this pls visit doctor because of pubic lice you don't get any other health issues.... thank you pls do subscribe... to be health telugu channel..