Fifth Sunday after Pentecost:July 10, 2022

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost:July 10, 2022

Welcome to Metropolitan United Church in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. What is the Parable of the Good Samaritan saying to us in 2022? What if anything new can we learn from this story? This Sunday we will explore some of the lesser known lessons and points within the story. For example... did you realize there is never any mention of the word "good" in the Scripture text? Join us on Sunday to explore further! Prelude: Partita on “Jesu, meine Freude” (Walther) Reading: Luke 10: 25-37 Solo: In the Morning (Spiritual, arr. Ives)    Sermon: “Who's My Neighbour?" (The Rev. Alana Martin) Postlude: Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Buxtehude)   Photo: Andrey Armyagov Bulletin: The cornerstone of our week, worship at 11am is offered both in-person and online under the leadership of The Rev. Jason Francis Meyers, The Rev. Mark Aitchison, The Rev. Alana Martin, interim Music Director Benjamin Stein, Organist Dr. John Derkson, Wayne C. Vance Organ Scholar Joshua Duncan Lee, carillonneur Roy Lee and members of the Metropolitan Choir. To make a donation: Subscribe to our YouTube channel Our website: Facebook: Instagram: