CPC Christmas Eve Worship

CPC Christmas Eve Worship

CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP BULLETIN https://carmichaelpres.azurewebsites.... eParish Notes (Announcements) https://carmichaelpres.azurewebsites.... Register Your Attendance HERE! https://forms.gle/x2egRLt9PZt3uZkY6 If you have a nativity scene in your home, we invite you to set it up in a location where your family can use it during this special service. To begin, remove all the characters except the basic structures and an empty manger. Then as you sing carols and songs after each scripture reading, add characters back into the scene. You will see the prompts in the bulletin and on the screen with pictures of our Bethlehem village. If you don’t have a nativity set to use, then let the words from scripture build the images in your mind. Christmas is a time of holy imagination and sacred hope as the good news of Jesus Christ is born in us again This content is for a Church service and is licensed under CCLI #746473 for copyright and Streaming CCLI #20132612 or Presbyterian Glory to God Hymnal