AI가그린 ~ 한복이라고? 한복 Hanbok, Korean traditional clothes

AI가그린 ~ 한복이라고? 한복 Hanbok, Korean traditional clothes

When AI draws hanbok WRTN Prompt : 한복입은 여자그려줘 #AI가 #AI가그린 #AI그림 #drawn by AI 인공지능 AI가 그린 그림으로 만든 영상입니다 This is a video made from pictures drawn by artificial intelligence AI AI가 현재 우리의 일상을 얼마나 학습하고 이해하고 있을까 궁금했습니다 I was curious about how much AI is currently learning and understanding our daily lives, so I looked into it Made with Vrew, the AI video editor