Zombie Army Trilogy - EP3 - Freight Train Of Fear - ALL Bottles AND Gold

Zombie Army Trilogy - EP3 - Freight Train Of Fear - ALL Bottles AND Gold

Welcome to our collectible ALL IN ONE guide for Zombie Army Trilogy - Episode 3 : Beyond Berlin : Freight Train Of Fear. The are 4 Bottles of Blood, and 5 Gold Bars to find They are in order that you encounter them, with handy commentary by NTA Paul / MrNeblo / GT:SSCP - A different name for a different day HAHA :) Massive TY to Rebellion for sending us this game. Be sure to check our review at ntagameguides very soon. As well as a first look on youtube by us too! Zombie Army Trilogy - EP3 - Freight Train Of Fear - ALL Bottles and Gold ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First Contact - All Collectibles"    • Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First C...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~