🥕🐰KIDS BOOK READ ALOUD| CREEPY CARROTS | Aaron Reynolds & Peter Brown | The Blanket Fort Experience
Summary: Jasper Rabbit loves plucking carrots from Crackenhopper Field. He helps himself several times a day but stops when paranoia takes over and he begins to believe that he is being followed by a pack of sinister carrots. Follow along as we watch Jasper endure his hardships and prosper in the end. Wait...who is the real winner of this feud? Watch and find out! For parents and teachers: You can use this enhanced version of the paperback to further connect with your children. Here are 5 points of reference and questions you can use to deeply engage with your children and students: 1. Snacks on the go -Jasper enjoys his carrots all throughout the day. What kinds of snacks do you enjoy? Do you choose your snacks? How do they taste? Are they healthy? 2. Little league -Jasper plays on a little league team (baseball team). Do you play team sports or individual sports? What do you enjoy most about it? If you do not enjoy playing organized sports, which form of physical activity do you participate in? How often? Is there a new sport you would like to try? 3. Being chased -Jasper is worried that he is being chased by a pack of carrots! Which creature, fictional or real, would you never want to be chased by? Why? Have you ever been chased by something? 4. Building stuff -Do you like to work with your hands? Jasper built a huge fence to keep the carrots in with lots of different tools and supplies. Do you use tools to build stuff? Do you like to build with Lego? Talk about a memorable build that you have completed. 5. An ending, with a twist! -This book has a twist at the end. I bet you never expected the carrots were happy to have Jasper build a big fence. Think about other ways this book could have ended. Generate some ideas and write them down. You might want to illustrate your idea as well. Also, check out Google because you can find lots of coloring pages and activity suggestions to complete the book experience! Please don't forget to subscribe! Follow me too! Instagram: / blanket_fort_experience Facebook: / blanketfortexperience #childrensbooks #kidsbooks #kidsliterature #readaloud #readaloudbooksforchildren #readaloudbooks #readaloudbooksforkids #storybook #picturebooks #picturebooksforkids #ilovebooks #bedtimestories #bedtimestory #bedtimestorybooks #bedtimestoriesforkids #bedtimestoriesforchildren #booktime #halloweenbooks #halloween #halloweenstorybook #halloweentheme #ghostsinthehouse #halloweenliterature #childrensbooks #ghostbook #witchbook #scarybooks #happyhalloween #happyhalloween2022 #creepycarrots #aaronreynolds #peterbrown #crackenhopperfield #eastvalleyhares #carrotybreathing