Palm Sunday through Thursday - Bible Story for kids

Palm Sunday through Thursday - Bible Story for kids

Palm Sunday Bible lesson for kids Download free prinable story and lesson pack from Jerusalem was full of people to see Jesus. The people treated Jesus like a king. They shouted, "Hosanna!" waved palm branches and shouted praises. They even put their clothes on the road to keep the donkey's feet clean. ## Jesus planned a special Passover meal with his disciples. When they arrived, Jesus had a towel ready to wash their dirty feet. The disciples didn't think this was right. It was a job for a servant, not a king. But Jesus came to serve. ## During the meal, Jesus took some bread and broke it. Jesus told his disciples that He would be broken for them. He also poured wine into a glass and shared it with his disciples. He told them this would be a new promise to them. Then they sang a hymn together. ## After the meal, Jesus and the disciples went to a garden called Gethsemane. Jesus asked his disciples to pray with Him because soon, bad things would happen. But they kept falling asleep. Jesus prayed alone. He asked God to help Him do the right thing, even though it was difficult.