Maharashtra B.ED CET - 2023 | General Knowledge Lecture | Basic General Knowledge MCQs

Maharashtra B.ED CET - 2023 | General Knowledge Lecture | Basic General Knowledge MCQs

Hello friends, In this video we are going to discuss list of important days for your upcoming Maharashtra B.ED CET from the section General Knowledge. Maha B.ED CET is for 100 marks. 40 questions will be from mental ability, 30 questions will be from general knowledge and remaining 30 questions will be from Teaching Aptitude. If you are preparing for a Maharashtra B.ED CET we are have started a course. In this crash course you will get video Lectures, Notes and Mock tests with solution PDF. This crash course is available only at 1000/- You can join soon. For more information you can send a whatsapp message/call on 9921768765.