God of War Ragnarok Valhalla - Kratos vs Tyr All Boss Fights (No Damage / Max Difficulty)
God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC - Kratos vs All 4 Tyr Boss Fights (No Damage Taken) on Show Me Mastery Difficulty (Max Difficulty / Hardest Difficulty / Give Me God of War Difficulty) / How To Beat Tyr Boss Fight No Damage No Hit Guide GMGOW. Just a quick video showing the Tyr boss fight from the newly released God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC on Show me Mastery difficulty, taking no damage. Details below. 00:00 - Tyr Fight #1 04:17 - Cutscene / Dialogue 05:55 - Tyr Fight #2 11:54 - Cutscene / Dialogue 13:44 - Tyr Fight #3 18:12 - Cutscene / Dialogue 20:37 - Tyr Fight #4 25:19 - Cutscene / Dialogue & Ending What a brilliant surprise this DLC was. Completely unexpected, and way better than I was anticipating. The fights against Tyr were also very enjoyable. My combat is lacking as I haven't played much after release, and I didn't get a chance to prepare for the DLC once it was announced. I got farmed a lot while relearning lol. So as you can see, the gameplay won't be the best. There's also technically other Tyr fights you can repeatedly play, but they're just randomised matchings of these 4 set fights, so I left it at these. Additionally, with the way the DLC is structured, it heavily promotes using a single weapon and certain attacks, as the glyphs heavily buff a specific weapon and attacks. For example, the Blades buff that gives extra AoE damage on every R2 attack is pretty crazy. Combine that with the perfect glyphs you can get access to for the later fights, and it can make a huge difference to the amount of damage you're putting out. I think that's probably the only downside to the DLC though, as the most enjoyable part of combat in this game was constantly weapon swapping and using the runic attacks and combos as often as possible. But the way it builds up one weapon each attempt, kind of goes against that. Outside of that minor gripe, the DLC was a blast for me. I had a lot of fun with it, and that's as somebody who generally doesn't enjoy roguelites. The way they structured this made it great even for me, and I enjoyed the constant overall progression as you got through each run and attempt. More wings and fights constantly opening up, I didn't expect it to be as big as it was. I'll have another video with all bosses no damage in the DLC, including all of the repeatable ones from the base game that appear in here. I need to do a couple more runs to have the Berserkers appear, but outside of those I believe I've found every boss. Finally, I waited until the weekend to post this to be respectful of spoilers. Posting the name and picture of the boss is pretty unavoidable these days, unless you don't want the video to be searchable or viewed at all. So I think it's pretty fair game at this point, especially considering 2 hours after the entire DLC was spoiled by many channels already. God of War Ragnarok PS5 Full Playlist: • God of War Ragnarok ================================================== SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/esoterickk?su... BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER HERE: https://www.youtube.com/esoterickk/join Thank you so much for your support!