Monday, October 18, 2021 at 2:30pm - The Holy Rosary & The Divine Mercy Chaplet – (#ROSARYmonth)
LIVE NOW | This Facebook live stream - THE YOUTH MINISTRIES DAILY/ DEVOTION PRAYER (The Holy Rosary and Daily Devotional Prayer/ Divine Mercy Chaplet) is for the intention of our Holy Father, Pope Francis and the Prayer intentions of each and every one of us; most especially the crisis we are all facing. (Monday, October 18, 2021/ 2:30pm - Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist) We may not be able to go outside and be in church, but what can connect us together is FAITH. * Please leave your prayer intentions below and invite everyone you know to join us and pray with us. We Pray for: •The stop of the spread of the virus. •For the full and speedy recovery of the sick and the recovery of those already infected. •For the protection of frontliners. •For Peace for the families who lost loved ones. •For the poor souls in purgatory. •To bless our Country and the whole world. •For the Wisdom of our government leaders and those who manages’ this crisis. •For Restoration of the economies of the world. •For the Priests, Religious and all religions, that we may be united in prayer. •For our own personal intentions and prayers. Let us continue to ask Our Dear Lady and to all the Holy Saints to intercede for us during this health crisis. TO JESUS THROUGH MARY IN UNION WITH ST. JOSEPH! We pray that you all may have a blessed day and may HE bless you and your family always and in all ways. CREDITS: TO THE OWNER OF THE VIDEO CLIPS AND PICTURES/ ARTWORKS, SONG/ LYRICS, NOTE PIECE, SINGERS, COMPOSERS & ARRANGER. DISCLAIMER: ABSOLUTELY NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT NEITHER INTENDED NOR IMPLIED. THIS IS PURELY FAN-MADE & IT HAS BEEN PRODUCED FOR INSPIRATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NOT MEANT TO VIOLATE THE RIGHTS HELD BY OWNERS. NOR ANY OTHER LICENSEE. NOR IS ANY DISRESPECT INTENDED. NO PROFIT IS BEING MADE OUT OF THIS WORK. * Watch/ Like/ Follow/ Share/ Subscribe for alerts and notifications: Like and follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/YAC2001ANDBEYOND www.facebook.com/YMACisSavingSouls www.facebook.com/SYMDSJDW Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/YACmomqpm www.twitter.com/YMACmomqpm www.twitter.com/SYM_DSJDW Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/yac_momqpm www.instagram.com/ymac_momqpm www.instagram.com/sym_dsjdw Subscribe on Youtube: (YAC Production Presents) https://bit.ly/30eGlCX. * #YAC #SYM #YMAC #allforthegloryofGOD #PrayerWorks #TOJESUSTHROUGHMARY #MamaMaryPrayForUs #WePrayAsOne #WeHealAsOne #WePrayTogether #WeArePrayingWithYou #WeAreOne #SVDyouth LET US NOT JUST WASH OUR HANDS AMID THIS UNCERTAINTIES, BUT ALSO FOLD THEM IN PRAYER!