When the Narcissist Stops Communicating:  The Silent Treatment

When the Narcissist Stops Communicating: The Silent Treatment

"When the Narcissist Stops Communicating: The Silent Treatment" You’ve probably came across this video because you know someone who abruptly stopped communicating with you and left you with no obvious explanation. You replayed the last conversation in your head over and over again and can’t quite put your finger on what was said that caused them to stop communicating with you. Well if that’s you, in this video we are going to be uncovering how and why the narcissist uses the silent treatment to control their friends, partners, employee, co-workers, etc. Understanding narcissistic patterns can help you tremendously in dealing with this form of emotional. My name is Nikki and on this channel I show you how to understand the narcissist's true intentions in narcissistic relationships. Whether the person you're dealing with is low or high on the narcissism spectrum or has full blown narcissistic personality disorder (npd). This information is designed to help you recognize the red flags in the relationship and become a narc survivor. Learning how to recognize narcissistic abuse in these toxic relationships is the first step to helping to move you forward. You'll find that whether you are dealing with a covert narcissist, overt narcissism or a malignant narcissist they all pretty much follow the same patterns they all use the same manipulation tactics. Gaslighting you and trying to make you doubt your own reality. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying To Get Over Your Narcissistic Ex? ► ► ► Avoid These 11 Phrases A Narcissist Will Use to Draw You Back Into A Relationship When They Know You've Had Enough. https://www.narcmenot.com/optinqdz1vpz3 Trying to Get Over Your Narcissistic Ex For Good? ► ► ► Join My Course ► ► https://www.narcmenot.com/optin6oklw7p ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Trying To Get Over Your Narcissistic Ex? ► ► ► Avoid These 11 Phrases A Narcissist Will Use to Draw You Back Into A Relationship When They Know You've Had Enough. https://www.narcmenot.com/optinqdz1vpz3 Trying to Get Over Your Narcissistic Ex For Good? ► ► ► Join My Course ► ► https://www.narcmenot.com/optin6oklw7pl Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a replacement for treatment or therapy.