Karachi Famous Hyderabadi Beef  Yakhni Pulao/Ghousia Beef Yakhni Pulao

Karachi Famous Hyderabadi Beef Yakhni Pulao/Ghousia Beef Yakhni Pulao

#cookandbakewithOmamah #happinessishomemade #karachifamoushyderbadibeefyakhni pulao #Gghousiabeefyakhnipulao Assalamualaikum everyone ❤️ Hope you are doing well. Today's recipe Karachi Famous Hyderabadi Beef Yakhni Pulao . Original authentic recipe made from simple and easy ingredients. #haiderabadipulaorecipe #ghousiabeefhyderabadiyakhniPulao #ghousiayalhnipulao #karachideghipulaorecipe #beef #pulao #yahnipulao #famousbeefpulaoinkarachi #bestHyderabadiyakhniPulao Thanks for watching my videos. Try it at your home and share your feedback in comment. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share. Press the bell 🔔 icon to get my recipe updates. inshaAllah will meet you soonwith another new and tempting recipe. My channel link ⬇️    / cookandbakewithomamah76