Learn To Spell Number Words 1 to 10 with Jack Jack The Incredibles 2 | Nursery Lesson For Kids
In this Nursery Lesson for kids, they will learn how to spell number words, 1 to 10, with Jack Jack from the Incredibles 2! Jack Jack from Disney Pixar will use his telekinetic power to reveal the letters that would complete the word form of each number, showing how fun and easy spelling numbers for kids is! Tune in as we upload a new video next week! If you enjoyed watching this video, please don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel! / herotoonsandtunes While waiting for our other fun songs to come, watch our other song for children videos here → • Video Kids songs and children songs here: • Video Hero Toons & Tunes is a channel where you can find all sorts of fun to watch hero cartoon characters in 2D and 3D animation. We'll feature characters and heroes from famous movies like Pixar, Disney, Marvel and more for your entertainment while you wait for their next blockbuster film! Furthermore, you can watch adorable characters and sing along to the world's all-time favorite classic nursery rhymes. If you haven't already, please do subscribe and tune in to our channel every weekend as we upload more entertaining and educational content every Saturday! Here on Hero Toons & Tunes, you can be sure that our videos will be safe to watch for your kids. Thank you for watching! We appreciate your support when you share our videos, like, and subscribe. If you have a favorite movie character that you'd love to see here, you may leave us a comment and maybe we could feature them too! :)