The Walking Dead: A New Frontier -Episode 1 "Ties that Bind" pt.1 walkthrough -Ultra HD 4K 60fps
Here's the first Episode of the 3rd Season of The Walking Dead: A new Frontier, at Ultra HD 4K 60 fps with no commentary. If you enjoyed the walkthrough, don't forget to support its continuity commenting and subscribing for its new content updates. The Walking Dead: Season Three, also known as A New Frontier, is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: Season Two, with the first two episodes released on December 20, 2016, and a retail season pass disc edition planned for release on February 7, 2017. The game employs the same narrative structure as the past seasons, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first two seasons and the additional episode "400 Days" carry over into the third season. Clementine (voiced by Melissa Hutchison), who was the player's companion during the first season and the player-character in season two returns as a player-character along with another player-character, Javier "Javi" Garcia (voiced by Jeff Schine). The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with the zombie apocalypse having occurred. The main characters of the game are original characters, however due to time skips in season two and between seasons two and three, the timeline is caught up to where the comics are and Robert Kirkman has hinted at a crossover between the two mediums. He stated in an interview "I think that there will be some more comic book elements that we'll be working in in some interesting ways. I don't want to reveal too much, but it'll definitely go hand-in-hand with the comics a little bit more than Season 2 did." ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Check out "GTA V Redux Ultra Story Mode " • GTA V Redux Story Mode Walkthrough Pa... ~-~~-~~~-~~-~