Hermitcraft 10: Episode 1 | LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN!
Hermitcraft Season 10 - Episode 1 : FalseSymmetry and the Hermits get started on a brand new Hermitcraft World in Minecraft 1.20. False goes on a RenDog Challenge - The Hermit Coop Caving Group Expedition with Etho, BDoubleO and iJevin. Finds a place to setup a base and joins the others in the game Demise 2. More FalseSymmetry Content: / falselive Support me on Patreon & join my Minecraft Server: / falsesymmetry ➤ SOCIAL LINKS Twitch Livestreams: / falsesymmetry Twitter: / falsesymmetry Instagram: / falsesymmetry ➤ HERMITCRAFT MEMBERS BdoubleO100: / @bdoubleo100 Cubfan135: / @cubfan135 Docm77: / @docm77 Etho: / @ethoslab GeminiTay: / @geminitaymc Grian: / @grian Hypnotizd: / @hypnotizd ImpulseSV: / @impulsesv Iskall85: / @iskall85 iJevin: / @ijevin JoeHills: / @joehillstsd Keralis: / @keralis Mumbo Jumbo: / @thatmumbojumbo PearlescentMoon: / @pearlescentmoon Rendog: / @rendog GoodTimeswithScar: / @goodtimeswithscar Skizzleman: / @mcskizzleman SmallishBeans: / @smallishbeans Stressmonster101: / @stressmonster101 TangoTek: / @tangoteklp VintageBeef: / @vintagebeef Welsknight: / @welsknightgaming xBCrafted: / @xbcrafted Xisuma: / @xisumavoid Zedaph: / @zedaphplays ZombieCleo: / @zombiecleo Make your very own Minecraft Server with the help of Apex Minecraft Hosting: https://bit.ly/Apex-FalseSymmetry (Sponsor of Symmetria - my Patreon Community) #Minecraft #Hermitcraft #Season10 ✌ ☯ ☮