Mi di ta ti on

Mi di ta ti on

Mi - is for the name of the girl Miroslava. Her name means - The Praiser for Peace in Russian! Let it be inner and outer Peace for everyone! The Temple of Nirvana was created to help you activate your third eye, awaken your spiritual vision and dissolve any blocks that may be obstructing your intuition and inner knowing. In our modern culture, we are trained to focus primarily on our external senses while ignoring the more powerful, subtle capacities of our souls. Through meditation, contemplation, and deep inner work we can reawaken these dormant faculties to remember who we really are and reclaim our birthright as infinite spiritual beings in human form. In the Temple of Nirvana ambient soundscape, nature sounds are interwoven with ethereal buddhist flute and singing bowls encoded with the 777 Hz Solfeggio frequency to heighten your intuition, activate your third eye, and awaken your dormant spiritual powers. May the Temple of Nirvana be a sacred catalyst for your holistic healing, empowerment, and awakening. ॐ #ambientmusic #meditationmusic #healingmusic #777hz #relaxingmusic #Thirdeyemeditation