The Hindu Analysis | 13 March, 2023 | Daily Current Affairs | UPSC CSE 2023 | DNS
Welcome to Daily News Simplified! (DNS) In this video lecture, we will do a detailed THE HINDU Analysis for UPSC CSE 2023 and all other relevant competitive examinations. Get all the important news and editorial analysis for UPSC IAS 2023 from THE HINDU newspaper with our daily current affairs Rauโs IAS DNS video lecture. We'll cover all the important news and editorials from 13th December, 2022, including: ----------------- ๐ฏLIST OF TOPICS 1. 1. Same Sex Marriage - (Polity) - (00:21) 2. Saudi-Iran Deal - (International Relations) - (10:14) 3. Draft Digital India, 2023 - (Cyber) - (20:36) 4. Net Zero Waste - (Environment) - (32:59) 5. ODF, ODF +, ODF ++ - (Social Issues) - (36:3) ----------------- ๐ฏPresented by: Mr. Vaibhav Mishra of Rauโs IAS Study Circle #DNS #RausDNS #RausDailynewsSimplified ----------------- ๐ฏDOWNLOAD DNS NOTES ๐ PDF - https://bit.ly/DNS-NOTES-13-03-23-PDF ๐ Word - https://bit.ly/DNS-NOTES-13-03-23-WORD ----------------- ๐ฏOUR COURSES ๐ GS Foundation Course: https://rauias.com/foundation-courses... ๐ CSAT Foundation Course: https://rauias.com/upsc-csat-course/ ๐ Optional Foundation Course: https://rauias.com/foundation-courses... ๐ GSI QIP 2023 - https://rauias.com/crash-course-upsc-... ๐ Link To Enrol in Prelims Test Series: https://www.rauias.com/upsc-test-seri... ๐ Link to PSIR Optional Test Series: https://www.rauias.com/upsc-optional-... ----------------- ๐ฏ LINK FOR 2022 MAINS COMPASS - AMAZON ๐ Environment & Disaster Management https://bit.ly/3CH8FBg ๐ Polity & Governance https://bit.ly/3QU1ABF ๐ International Relations & Internal Security https://bit.ly/3wsHsP5 ๐ Geography https://bit.ly/3AsC0ga ๐ Economic Development https://bit.ly/3chYDw1 ๐ History & Culture https://bit.ly/3CBeIHS ๐ Ethics Integrity & Aptitude https://amzn.to/3AL7AqR ๐ Essay https://amzn.to/3cnGlJD ๐ Science & Technology https://bit.ly/3pKdq5y ๐ Indian Society & Social Justice https://bit.ly/3R9JpI2 ----------------- ๐ฏ DNS Yearly Quiz Compilations โ Jan 2021 โ April 2022 ๐ Economy & Social Development - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-E... ๐ IR & World Map - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-I... ๐ History & Culture - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-H... ๐ Polity & Governance - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-P... ๐ Science & Technology - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-S... ๐ Indian Society & Social Justice - https://bit.ly/DNS-Quiz-Compilation-S... ๐ Environment: https://bit.ly/DNS-QUIZ-COMPILATION-E... ----------------- ๐ฏ RAUโS IAS ONLINE FOR UPSC/IAS - ELEARN ๐ eLearn - Not all our learning content is on YouTube. All our content is available on our learning platform - https://elearn.rauias.com -------------- ๐ฏConnect with Rauโs IAS Study Circle ๐ Facebook: ย ย /ย rausiasย ย ๐ Instagram: ย ย /ย rausiasย ย ๐ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/rausias1953 ๐ Twitter: ย ย /ย rausiasย ย #TheHindunewspaperanalysis #DailyCurrentAffairs #USPC #IAS #RausIASDNS #UPSC #Currentaffairs #RausIAS #RausIASStudyCircle #UPSCCurrentAffairs #UPSCCSE2023 #upsc #thehinduanalysis #currentaffairstoday #DailyNewsSimplified #UpscThehindunewspaper #Currentaffairsforupsc #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #TheHindueditoral #Thehindunewstoday #Currentaffairstoday #CurrentAffairsUPSCAnalysis