10 Natural Home Remedies For Heartburn | Henry Natural Health Tips

10 Natural Home Remedies For Heartburn | Henry Natural Health Tips

Get The Best Holistic Acid Reflux Treatment Now: http://bit.ly/holistic-treatment 10 NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN 1. Eat an Apple or Banana Unfortunately, an apple a day does not keep the doctor away. While that rhyme may not be entirely true, apples could help keep your heartburn at a distance. Bananas too! These tasty fruits both contain natural antacids that work wonders relieving your heartburn pains. Preventing them too! 2. Apple Cider Vinegar I know, I know. It seems like this is the opposite of what you want, but acid reflux is often caused when someone doesn’t have enough acid in their stomach. One of the best ways to introduce acid into your stomach is with raw apple cider vinegar. And you don’t have to drink it straight from the bottle. It can be used in dressings and marinades. 3. Sleep on an Incline Let’s do a little thought experiment. Think about a bottle filled half way with water. When the bottle is set on it’s bottom, the water remains on… well, the bottom. However, if you were to lay the bottle on it’s side, the water will slosh around and even extend all the way to the bottle’s mouth! Do you see the picture I’m painting here? When you’re standing, the stomach acid remain at the bottom of your stomach. When you lay down to sleep, that acid sloshes around and extends across your stomach, and sometimes can escape. Sleeping on an incline can help reduce this from happening. 4. Ginger Tea Ginger is one of those super-powered foods that’s just marvelous for all kinds of different health related issues. For this list, I’ll focus on its ability to relieve you from heartburn or acid reflux. It’s so simple too! Take a few thin slices of ginger root tea and place them in a mug, then fill the mug with hot water. Let the ginger slices soak for about 10-20 minutes, then drink. 5. Lemon Juice As wonderful as apple cider vinegar can be to relieve heartburn, lemon juice has a pH of around 2, which makes it stronger than the acid in vinegar. Lemon juice also contains a lot of other nutrients than apple cider vinegar, so it’s great for most internal pains. Follow My Media Social: Facebook:   / henryhealthtips   Twitter:   / henryhealthtipz   However, due to organic lemon juice being so acidic, some worry that it can harm the enamel of our teeth. That can be a problem, but only drinking it daily for a long time. If this is a deal breaker for you, don’t worry, there are still so many great options on this list for home remedies to relieve heartburn. 6. Baking Soda Because of baking sodas high pH level, it helps neutralize the acid in your stomach. If acid does begin rising from your stomach into your esophagus, the baking soda will keep the acid from burning the lining. All you have to do is swallow a teaspoon when you’re experiencing pain.Baking soda is truly one of the home remedies for almost everything. Since it is a base, not an acid, swallowing some of it will neutralize the the acid in your stomach before it burns the lining of your esophagus. 7. Some Milk It’s true that milk can buffer stomach acid for a short amount of time, the fatty nutrients in milk can actually stimulate the stomach to produce even more acid. It’s not the most effective heartburn remedy, but if it’s all you’ve got in the house, I say try buying fat-free skim milk. And don’t overdo it. Too much could increase your heartburn. Don’t drink more than 8 ounces at any given time. Try having it as a snack between meals. 8. Chewing Gum This one does sound a little weird, but trust me. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth. When you swallow this excess saliva, it helps clear and dilute any acid from unwanted areas. This significantly reduces the symptoms of acid reflux. 9. Stop Smoking Do you love smoking, but hate having acid reflux? Well, I may have some bad news for you: nicotine, while causing your body to relax, causes the valve separating your stomach from your esophagus to also relax. This can lead to stomach acid escaping and I think you know the rest. 10. Wear Loose Fitting Clothes Tight clothes can look really nice, but when they cinch your waist this can press on your stomach and cause acid to rise. Makes sense, when you squeeze your stomach in with tight jeans, belts, or corsets the acid has no room and so it rises to the only available space: your esophagus. heartburn remedy, heartburn causes, cure heartburn naturally, cure heartburn at home, cure heartburn forever, cure heartburn permanently, acid reflux relief, heartburn, acid reflux, gerd, cure acid reflux fast, cure acid reflux naturally, treating acid reflux at home, relieve acid reflux at night, cure gerd fast, cure gerd naturally, cure gerd for good, cure gerd forever, treat heartburn naturally, treat heartburn quickly, treat heartburn immediately, stop acid reflux fast