【西藏-吉隆沟乃夏村】China 4K 🇨🇳- Scenic Relaxation Film With Inspiring Music
乃夏村,也叫乃村,在海拔3300米的山顶上,距离尼泊尔非常非常近,在几年前尼泊尔地震的时候,甚至也波及到了这里,以至于你往村尾走去,会看到山坡间又不少倒塌的黄土房子,它们像一种雕塑,默默的讲诉当地人曾经的生活轨迹,自地震后,村民在旁边重新修建了房子,有了现在崭新的乃夏村。 Naixia Village, also called Naicun, is on the top of a mountain at an altitude of 3,300 meters, very, very close to Nepal. The earthquake in Nepal a few years ago even affected this place, so that if you walk towards the end of the village, you will see the hillsides. There are also many collapsed loess houses. They are like sculptures, silently telling the past life trajectory of the local people. After the earthquake, the villagers rebuilt the houses next to them, and now there is a brand-new Naixia Village.