Lec 04: FM-EFF | CA Inter Group 2 | F2F Batch 2 for May 23 | By CA Prashant Sarda | Vsmart Academy

Lec 04: FM-EFF | CA Inter Group 2 | F2F Batch 2 for May 23 | By CA Prashant Sarda | Vsmart Academy

🤩Kickstart your CA Inter Group 2 preparation with our F2F Batch starting on 15th November. 💫Ace your exams with India's leading faculties of Vsmart Academy! 💥Link to enroll for the course: 👉🏻https://vsmartacademy.com/ca-inter-on... 💯Highlights of the batch: 👉🏻Useful for Group 1 completed students. 👉🏻Complete In-Depth lectures with class revision. 👉🏻Best Final level Faculties of India teaching in CA Inter. 👉🏻Backup Video lectures, Audio Video revision. 👉🏻Smart Digital Genie Book - with revision practice video assistant. 👉🏻100% syllabus coverage as per ICAI module. 👉🏻Unlimited Validity. 🔹️Following is the CA Inter Group 2 F2F batch schedule: 👉🏻CA Inter EIS n SM - By CA Amit Tated @ 8:00 am to 11:00 am 👉🏻CA Inter Audit - By CA Ravi Taori @ 11:15 am to 1:30 pm 👉🏻CA Inter Adv Accounts - By CA Jai Chawla @ 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm 👉🏻CA Inter FM-EFF - By CA Prashant Sarda @ 4:30 pm to 6:45 pm 💬 For any inquiries Whatsapp US on 7773977744 📌 Check our Website: https://vsmartacademy.com/ 📞 Helpline Contact: +91 7796868686 👉🏻For more details visit the below links: 🔹️Instagram:   / vsmartacademy   🔹️Facebook:   / vsmartacademycacs   🔹️Telegram https://t.me/caintervsmartacademy . . . . . . . . . #vsmartacademy #vsmartacademypune #caclasses #caintermediate #cainter #cainterclasses #bestcaclasses #icaistudents #caonlineclasses #bestcainterclasses #caonlinelectures #castudentlife #cainterrevision #capendriveclasses #caintergroup2 #caintermay23 #caintergroup1 #cainterexams #cainterfm #cainterfmeff